Tamer Shaaban

Certified Experience / Data Analyst based in Dubai , United Arab Emirates

Elements of Design

Elements of Design is the process of creating something new or improving something that already exists. It is a creative and practical activity that can be used to solve problems, communicate ideas, and make things more beautiful or functional.

Elements of Design

The elements of design are the building blocks of any design. They are the basic visual elements that can be used to create a sense of order, balance, and harmony.

  • LineA line is a one-dimensional mark that can be used to create shape, movement, and emphasis. Lines can be straight, curved, or broken. They can be thick or thin. They can be used to create a sense of direction or movement.
  • ShapeA shape is a two-dimensional area enclosed by a line. Shapes can be geometric or organic. They can be simple or complex. They can be used to create a sense of form or structure.
  • FormA form is a three-dimensional object with height, width, and depth. Forms can be solid or hollow. They can be simple or complex. They can be used to create a sense of volume or space.
  • SpaceSpace is the area around and between objects. Space can be positive or negative. Positive space is the area occupied by an object. Negative space is the area around an object. Space can be used to create a sense of balance or proportion.
  • ColorColor is a visual sensation that is created by the interaction of light and the human eye. Color can be used to create a sense of mood or emotion. It can also be used to create a sense of contrast or emphasis.
  • TextureTexture is the perceived surface quality of an object. Texture can be smooth or rough. It can be soft or hard. It can be used to create a sense of depth or realism.
  • ValueValue is the relative lightness or darkness of an object. Value can be used to create a sense of contrast or emphasis. It can also be used to create a sense of depth or dimension.



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